Who Is CRX International?
CRX International sets the standard for safety and savings in an industry where both are so important to self-insured, public-sector municipalities, organizations and companies. We were the first International Prescription Service Provider (IPSP) to introduce and supply a public sector program in America and we’ve since worked with numerous municipalities, communities, school boards and private sector companies, saving their health plans, and members, millions of dollars on prescription costs.
What can we save you?
CRX International makes it easy for self-funded plans to provide their members with access to quality prescription medications delivered directly to their members’ doors for zero copay.
Enrolling is quick and straightforward. All it takes is submission of a completed enrollment form, prescription and a copy of photo ID. It’s easy for plan sponsors too.
With ongoing support through marketing campaigns, enrollment sessions, seminars and presentations – we’ll help get the word out.
Sourced from pharmacies in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, acknowledged by Congress as Tier 1 countries meeting or exceeding United States safety standards, medications are backed by a Quality Assurance Team as well as 20-plus years of experience in the industry. CRX International regularly visits all licensed pharmacies to ensure that all safety protocols and American/source country regulations are met.
CRX International offers hundreds of brand-name maintenance medications. But it’s the prescriptions we don’t facilitate – like generics, narcotics and temperature-sensitive meds – that make us the safest, most transparent program out there. Since the very beginning, our primary goal has been to ensure public safety.
There are numerous benefits to plan sponsors, including no administrative costs, liability insurance coverage, plan design and development assistance, website design and hosting, and, of course, the savings! With plan savings averaging over 70% and a $0 copay for participants – it’s a win-win.
As the original International Prescription Service Provider for self-funded health plans, we bring the ultimate combination of safety and savings to your group clients. Our safety standards and protocols are second-to-none in the industry and we even include you and your business in our indemnity program for product and professional liability as a standard of what we do for every group. The fact that every medication on our formulary has to be screened and verified by our on-staff pharmacists is one key that distinguishes us from those that try to play in the international arena. Every medication in our program has the exact same monograph (makeup of active and inactive ingredients as well as the same type and dose of delivery system), most other international mail-order programs disregard this type of safety standard.
There’s a reason that we don’t handle temperature-sensitive meds, controlled substances or lifestyle medications. It’s because safety is our No. 1 priority – safety for your group, its members and for you as their broker.
Upload an RX claims file and let us show you what we can do for you and your groups.